Market used as platform for business development
Sevengardens in association with Lekoa Natural Spring Water and Magogo production, proudly showed their products at a recent market on the town square teaching the community the importance of fair trade, organic and environmental issues. Epilepsy SA’s Free State/Northwest branch as well as the museum, the Ngwathe Municipality and the community at large contributed towards …

Sevengardens in association with Lekoa Natural Spring Water and Magogo production, proudly showed their products at a recent market on the town square teaching the community the importance of fair trade, organic and environmental issues.
Epilepsy SA’s Free State/Northwest branch as well as the museum, the Ngwathe Municipality and the community at large contributed towards the success of the market.
The idea is to use the market as future opportunity and platform for small business development and networking to market products and services. Sevengardens also showed their products at a recent market at Oppiesplaas. One of the organisation’s projects is the manufacturing of organic paint out of plants creating hand painted products.
The first Sevengarden project in South Africa started in 2011 after it was found in Germany. Today it is one of the projects under the umbrella of the Lewis Balink Foundation doing community work in the greater Parys community. In 2013 Sevengardens SA had been recognised by UNESCO as one of the fastest growing projects for learning and community development using fair trade as basis for development of small communities.
Sevengardens will be launching a “Save Water” campaign at primary schools in Tumahole from 28 April. The kids will be taught how to make the organic paint whereafter they will paint posters explaining how they see the message of saving water.
On 2 May the children’s posters will be displayed and judged at the Mosipidi hall, giving the opportunity for the judges to see how the children understood and interpreted the campaign.
The winning prize is a 2 200l JoJo tank for the school of the winning child.