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  1. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018

    And conspiracy theorists, in general.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Valspar

    Valspar porn surfer

    Feb 3, 2018
    I'm throwing the kisses around tonight, Subby.
    Last chance....
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. submissively speaking
      C’mere, you.
  3. HornyIndiana

    HornyIndiana Porn Star

    Nov 5, 2020
    Fake people. Like we are adults take that highschool shit far away from me lol
    • Agree Agree x 6
    • Like Like x 1
  4. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    My tower fan remote has fallen underneath the bed. I either have to get up to retrieve it, or walk across the bedroom to turn on the fan.


    • Funny Funny x 4
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. Odins own
      A FAN???
      Odins own, Feb 21, 2021
    2. submissively speaking
      Need the air to be moving in my bedroom. :)
  5. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019
    Delusional people who can’t see themselves clearly but like to insult others
    • Like Like x 3
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    I have no problem supporting my local restaurants. Believe me, I do. I support the wait staff very generously, mostly college kids that depend on their tips.

    It seems to me that some restaurant owners, are taking advantage of the situation, by lining there pockets by jacking up the prices. I understand it was hard for them to get there products at the beginning. But that's not the case now. They continue to raise their prices, and there portions have been getting smaller. What really pisses me off, is when we finally get past this shit, there prices and portion size will remain the same.

    If anyone here is old enough to remember the sugar shortage back in the 70's, you can see the same thing now. Every company that made cookies, pies, candy and cakes increased the price of there products drastically, because of the sugar shortage. But when we were flowing in sugar again, there prices never came down to normal again.

    Sorry for the rant, I'm just fuckin pissed. We should all be pissed, because it's a conspiracy. Right now I need to get a little more aluminum foil for my alien defense helmet. Thanks for listening and letting me vent.
    • Like Like x 4
    1. deleted user 555 768
      Your welcome
      deleted user 555 768, Feb 22, 2021
  7. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Nobody paying g attention to my drinking thread pisses me off...jeez, how tough is it to hit the like button once in a while
    • Like Like x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Truthful 1
      I’m way God Foster Brooks those roast were the best ever agree to the greatest TV ever
      Truthful 1, Feb 22, 2021
    3. vincenzz
      Ha @shy guy funny, that’s the one I wanted to post! Good job wasn’t working for me.
      Last edited: Feb 22, 2021
      vincenzz, Feb 22, 2021
      deleted user 555 768 likes this.
    4. deleted user 555 768
      Loved the Dean Martin roasts, even as a kid I remember laughing hysterical and didnt even know who they were
      deleted user 555 768, Feb 22, 2021
      vincenzz likes this.
    5. vincenzz

      the “Decades” channel had a marathon of all of them a few months ago. Twice in fact.
      vincenzz, Feb 22, 2021
      deleted user 555 768 likes this.
    6. deleted user 555 768
      Not many Foster Brooks gifs, imagine him and Dean had a lot drinking laughs
      deleted user 555 768, Feb 22, 2021
      vincenzz likes this.
  8. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    People who drive slow in the left lanes .
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Like Like x 1
  9. latecomer91364

    latecomer91364 Easily Distracte

    Aug 3, 2017
    I agree - how hard is it to hit the 'Like' button, or any other rating, once in a while - especially when one chooses to comment but not rate, We all like a little acknowledgement here. It's not necessary, but neither is me giving a rating.

    Give and ye shall receive. It's about interaction.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Lioness
      Thanks for confirming that memory!! So much has happened on here, it's hard to keep track of everything!!
      Lioness, Feb 23, 2021
    3. Valspar
      From what I've read, everyone back then was ::excited:: or ::Mr.Green::
      Valspar, Feb 23, 2021
    4. Sweetpassion
      Well what's confusing is how old threads now show a rating system. As if they had them all along and noone ever used them. Now people can go back rating them. But kinda i guess too late for that. Haha
      Sweetpassion, Feb 23, 2021
    5. Valspar
      Wait, I forgot one...::rose::
      Valspar, Feb 23, 2021
    6. Sweetpassion
      Sweetpassion, Feb 23, 2021
      submissively speaking likes this.
  10. David58

    David58 Porn Star

    Apr 17, 2009
    Leaving a small dog in a house for a week with no heat. Hope Ted left food and water .
    • Like Like x 1
    1. Truthful 1
      Cut me a break
      Truthful 1, Feb 22, 2021
  11. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    The announcement at work that my boss is leaving the company. :arghh:
    • Empathize Empathize x 4
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. Sweetpassion
      Same here. I had it out with a asshole boss and then we understood each other. It can happen.
      Sweetpassion, Feb 23, 2021
      deegenerate and latecomer91364 like this.
    3. Valspar
      We didn't walk all over him, @Sweetpassion. He was smart enough to recognize the "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" mentality.
      The Big Tuna, we called him.
      He was cool.
      Valspar, Feb 23, 2021
      deegenerate and Sweetpassion like this.
    4. latecomer91364
      I'm just glad I looked up at the name of the thread - I was about to comment "Woohoo!"
      My boss is a pain, but he's the owner - if he left, who knows what would happen - plus just like Dee, I've got him trained.
      latecomer91364, Feb 23, 2021
      deegenerate and Sweetpassion like this.
    5. Sweetpassion
      @Valspar those kind of bosses are rare but the best!!
      Sweetpassion, Feb 23, 2021
      deegenerate and Valspar like this.
    6. Valspar
      Right. I also had a supervisor with the last name of Harms (no lie).
      He was an asshole and the running joke with him was "stay out of Harms way".
      Sorry I hijacked your post, @deegenerate.
      I'll shut my piehole now. :D
      Valspar, Feb 23, 2021
      deegenerate and Sweetpassion like this.
  12. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    • Like Like x 1
  13. deegenerate

    deegenerate Goddess of Desire

    Jan 20, 2018
    The spammers that are not getting deleted lately. What's up with that?
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. bk8208
      Agreed! They suck!!
      bk8208, Feb 24, 2021
      Jack Mine and deegenerate like this.
    2. Valspar
      Stan must be on holiday.
      Valspar, Feb 24, 2021
      deegenerate likes this.
    3. Layjeno
      I reported multiple times today.
      Layjeno, Feb 25, 2021
      Jack Mine likes this.
    4. Jack Mine
      I’ve been reporting them for well over a week. It seems like one asshole is flooding this place with spam
      Jack Mine, Feb 25, 2021
      Layjeno and deegenerate like this.
    5. deegenerate
      I've gotten tired of reporting the same person that is spamming the threads and people's albums. Usually they are gone pretty quickly.
      deegenerate, Feb 25, 2021
      Jack Mine and Layjeno like this.
  14. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    Apple...forgot my password after trying many times I rec E mail saying it will take 2 weeks to reset. Not making this up
    • Agree Agree x 3
  15. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019
    Humidity that makes my hair all big and crazy
    • Empathize Empathize x 2
    1. Valspar
      Humidity?? What month is it up there? ;)
      Valspar, Feb 24, 2021
      Cherrypop likes this.
    2. Tac65
      In Toronto I'm guessing are you?
      Tac65, Feb 24, 2021
      Cherrypop likes this.
    3. Cherrypop
      It can be humid and cold lol. The snow melts a bit and suddenly I can’t fit through the door
      Cherrypop, Feb 25, 2021
  16. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    SWMBO has been looking like a male lion lately, so I know what you mean. Oil and your hair straightener are your only defense.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. Cherrypop
      I straighten my hair and use tons of product before I go to work but by the end of the day my hair is wild. I’m going to start wearing babushkas lol
      Cherrypop, Feb 24, 2021
    2. conroe4
      Oh, I guess you need an extra hair straightener and oil for work too! Heh, I have problems, but hair is not one of them. LOL
      conroe4, Feb 24, 2021
      Cherrypop likes this.
    3. Chief Hu
      I sent my brother a pic of me when I had just got out of the shower and dried my hair.
      He wanted to know who that wooly bastard is.
      Chief Hu, Feb 24, 2021
      Cherrypop likes this.
  17. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019

    I think I can pull this off lol

    • Like Like x 2
  18. hornybigguy68

    hornybigguy68 Porn Star

    Dec 15, 2020
    Random crap that is out of my control which is going to effect my pocket knowing I will not have a job next month.
    • Empathize Empathize x 2
  19. Jh2

    Jh2 Porn Star

    Jul 9, 2019
    An angry co worker just hit the boss upside the head kind of pissed me off he hit the wrong one
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. Layjeno
      Layjeno, Feb 25, 2021
      Jh2 likes this.
  20. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    11 fuckin dollars. Another company taking advantage of the situation, hitting us hard in the ass.

    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
    1. Cherrypop
      Is that the super humongous can?
      Cherrypop, Feb 25, 2021
      Jack Mine likes this.
    2. Jack Mine
      19 oz
      Jack Mine, Feb 25, 2021