What Is Panzanella?

Get the story behind the bold, hearty bread salad you'll be eating all summer.

What Is Panzanella?

Panzanella is a rustic, chopped summer salad that incorporates stale bread, vinegar, tomatoes, cucumbers, and a range of market-fresh ingredients for a bright, flavorful dish that's been celebrated for centuries. With roots in the Tuscan countryside, panzanella's name is said to be a mashup of the Italian words for bread and soup bowl, pane and zanella. Looking for the answer to your picnic and potluck needs? Toss together a vibrant, filling bread salad that you'll revisit again and again this season.

overhead shot panzanella
Nature's Own

What's In Panzanella?

The first panzanella was a simple mixture of onions, oil, vinegar, wild greens, and toast. Florentine poet Branzino first referenced the soaked-bread salad in the 16th century. The dish was onion-based until the 19th century, when tomatoes became synonymous with Italian cuisine and took over as the main ingredient. Recipes that mimicked the colors of the flag became increasingly popular during this time, and the fresh, budget-friendly salad stuck. Fast forward to modern times: a classic panzanella is made the same way, but extras like eggs, cheese, and olives are often thrown in for added flavor and heft.

Where Does It Come From?

Panzanella originated in the central Italian countryside, where farmers combined surplus vegetables with old bread to cut down on waste. They soaked the bread in cold water to give it a chewy texture, then tossed it with vinegar, herbs, and onions for a wonderfully tangy bite. The humble dish made its way up the social class ladder, and was eventually served to King Vittorio in 1865. Italian immigrants then brought the delicious salad stateside.

Looking for easy Panzanella recipes to create on your own? Choose from our mouthwatering collection of bread salads:

Strawberry Caprese Panzanella

Panzanella with strawberries and mozzarella

Grape tomatoes, fresh strawberries, honey, and herbs combine for a bright, balanced meal.

Chef John's Panzanella

portrait shot panzanella
Deb C

"Spectacular!" raves home cook Meredith. "I used fresh Roma tomatoes and basil with croutons. The flavors blended nicely to make a delicious side dish."

Mid-Summer Italian Bread Salad

portrait shot bread salad

"This salad is super easy and a hit with our family," says reviewer Jazzy. "I didn't have 2 cups of basil but used approx. 1 cup of everything I had in the garden. Very fresh."

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