The politically exposed are fodder
Dear Editor,
Once a person gets involved in politics, his or her whole life is changed forever.
Research shows politicians have no privacy or benefit of the doubt. Their whole family is at the mercy of the court of public opinion — whether PJ Patterson, Portia Simpson Miller, Bruce Golding, Peter Phillips, Mark Golding, Peter Bunting, or Andrew Holness.
I have no evidence of any sweetheart deal for Dehring Bunting & Golding from Omar Davies. I have researched also and I am satisfied from credible sources that Prime Minister Andrew Holness got no special treatment from Stocks and Securities Limited (SSL) and no loans or inside information prior to his decision to close his accounts at the finanacial institution.
Let the fraud investigation continue and let the chips fall where they may. Or do we, as a society, no longer believe in due process?
I will say this, once you are a politically exposed, you should clothe yourself in the righteousness of God. Who the son has set free is free indeed.
Deanna Lewis