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  1. Yorkshirelad

    Yorkshirelad Porn Star

    Feb 23, 2014
    All this talk has got me thinking, so I'm going to get the missus a strap on today.
    The fact is that nobody should be bullied into doing anything they are not comfortable with.
    Most blokes, given the choice of "you can take me up the ass only if I can do you first " would probably run a mile.
    However thank god we are all different.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. gunner77

    gunner77 Cum Slinger

    Jul 11, 2012
    I myself do not prefer anal sex. Give me a pussy and I completely satisfied. I can see the allure though. Usually a tighter feeling for the guy. There is a sort of naughtiness to it. Personally, I do like to stick a finger inside a bunghole when fucking doggystyle. I can rub my dick from there. If a woman wants to stick her finger inside mine that is more than fine. She can feel that. So my question is what does a woman feel with a strap on? Nothing. The only stimulation she feels is a mental image of dominance. There may be more to it than that, but in no way can she receive any physical stimulation from using a strapon. So if her partner is into that kinda stuff, she is doing it solely for him. She may get a feeling of satisfaction from helping a guy get off.(Just like a guy using a dildo on her) If he is not into that, then it is solely for her non physical pleasure. If a woman tells me no to anal, it means no. (Not that I would ask). If a man does so anyway, then its rape. Reverse is true as well. No means no. So I know I did not answer the question completely. That's because the question is loaded. Sort of like does this dress make me look fat. No honey. So I look good in this dress? Yes dear. So I look fat if I dont wear this dress? There is no way to get around it. Best answer you look fat honey dress or no dress. I love you fat and all. Honesty respect and compassion.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Milo Cronos

    Milo Cronos The Sexual Intellectual

    Aug 29, 2011
    I've never been offered it, but my educated assumption from what I've heard throughout the years that some men's biggest fear would be discovering that they enjoyed it and what they would perceive that it implied as it related to gay sex. Same reason most men won't admit that they're curious about sucking dick for sex sake, it's not the act as much as the implication.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. gunner77

    gunner77 Cum Slinger

    Jul 11, 2012

    Not sure about all that. I know what turns me on when I see it. Guys don't do it. I do know that if I could suck my own dick I would. Still would prefer a woman to do it though. Because of the visual. I am very visual and tactile person. Not afraid of being gay. I just know what I like to see and feel.
  5. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    OK Milo more or less completes it. Now we have had everything from Hush's plumbing service, through a couple of polite declinations, to a variety of affirmations from the reluctant to the enthusiastic. We have not, however, heard from this group of guys that makes up 50% of the 90% that want to fuck you up the arse but are aggressive when it comes to you wanting to fuck them up the arse.

    So I suggest that it is partly your approach to suggesting you want to fuck them up the arse that is eliciting the aggressive response!

    • Like Like x 4
  6. MissRachael

    MissRachael Don't Let The Blonde Hair Fool You! In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 2, 2012
    FYI, The suggestion that a girl feels nothing from a strap on, isn't quite true. Mine has an insert for the wearer and a clitoris stimulation piece so if I'm fucking, grinding properly, I get as Much pleasure as my lover!
  7. MissRachael

    MissRachael Don't Let The Blonde Hair Fool You! In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 2, 2012
    Thinskin, you again, another who defends his position too strongly. Anyone who knows me knows I am not aggressive, and you are too scared of assertive women and probably long to be dominated by a penis!

    Whatever , it doesn't matter what you think, the truths are out there, your opinions are merely your opinions.

    As for the aggressive refusers, do you want names and addresses? You are so hung up on defending your anus, you can't see how you overreact! Get over yourself!
    • Like Like x 1
  8. gunner77

    gunner77 Cum Slinger

    Jul 11, 2012
    Interesting tid bit of info. I am sure it is good for you then, but if it is not good for them it is solely for your pleasure just as if you did not want anal sex it would be for their pleasure not yours. Only solidifies my point.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. MissRachael

    MissRachael Don't Let The Blonde Hair Fool You! In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 2, 2012
    The clit stimulator is a vibration pad, that passes through the cock too. Apologies, missed that off. Pleasure is shared from the vibrations

    Very pleasurable on either end.
  10. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    Listen sweetheart if you want my arse you are going to have to work a lot harder than you are doing.

    Some manners would help as well. I bet it is quite a while since you have any correction at all!

    My analysis of your supposition stands!

    • Like Like x 1
  11. Milo Cronos

    Milo Cronos The Sexual Intellectual

    Aug 29, 2011
    It all comes back to our sexual education or lack of that we're never told all that our bodies have to offer without the stigma of certain acts being gay, kinky, dirty or perverted when in fact if a couple who's very much in love practice "scat" play it's beautiful (at least to them.) I was in charge of my own education so that nothing is inherently black or white unless I choose to believe it, if I follow the inhibited and uneducated mentalities so prevalent in society I would never have had such a good time as I have.
    • Like Like x 2
  12. gunner77

    gunner77 Cum Slinger

    Jul 11, 2012
    I am a very visual and tactile person the sight of a penis going in any ass does not do it for me. Not about being a homophobe it is about personal likes and dislikes. I like calamari. Some people don't. I can tell them they should try it. Some say I have and they didnt like it. I can say well it probably wasn't cooked right. Still at the end of the day nothing has changed. No matter what you do to make it sound enticing, nothing has changed. Rather than focusing on differences everyone should focus on commonalities. I am so glad everyone is different. It would be so frigging boring if everyone was like me. I would not be having this awesome and must I say, respectful conversation.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. shadowfap

    shadowfap Fap Happy Jester

    Oct 28, 2012
    None yet, Hush. I guess you wanted me to answer that I painted the walls with my cum!
  14. John227

    John227 Porn Star

    Sep 14, 2014
    There have been several intelligent posts since yesterday and I would like to comment on them. However, I spent too much time here yesterday. I need to get stuff done today before the Superbowl. Given the number and nature of the posts I have made, I need to say that I am not running away from this thread. I'll try to post again Monday evening. I think that is around 1:00 am GMT.
  15. cdatj2

    cdatj2 Sex Machine

    Jan 31, 2009
    ha ha i cant give you an excuse for them because i happen to like it when my wife gets out her strapons , but they are just afraid it will make them gay if they do, a coworker wanted his girlfriends ass and see said sure if she could use something on his ass and lol he said her ass is off limits cause he wouldnt do it, so insecure in who and what he is
    • Like Like x 1
  16. MissRachael

    MissRachael Don't Let The Blonde Hair Fool You! In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 2, 2012
    Respect for this comment, Yes there have!

    However, Thinskin seems to be taking this in the wrong light and is so aggressive in his replies.

    As another poster said, the idea of anal sex is not a turn on at all, fair comment! My only criticism is aimed at the guys who DO want to push their women into anal sex but, and read this carefully, when that girl declares a desire to explore anal play on him, he says that is disgusting! THAT is hypocrisy!

    I personally find anal play very satisfying, very erotic and extremely enjoyable . I have not had many male partners but I have introduced two to anal play and their squeals as my tongue began it's exploration was testimony to their conversion.
    • Like Like x 3
  17. SweetChris

    SweetChris Porn Star

    Jul 11, 2012
    I don't see the comment being about anal play exclusively, but, rather, about pushing/expecting a girl to step outside her boundaries, without being willing to do the same. (Not to ignore anal play, many guys who have never had their prostate massaged have no idea what they're missing!)

    My personal complaint is that guys will ask to see me with another woman, but shut off if I ask to see them with another man- something I LOVE to watch. Don't tell me it is easier for me dammit! (Ok, so it is, I like girls too, but that is not the point!) A reciprocal relationship is certainly better than a one-sided one.

    And hey, she may introduce you to something that rocks your world!
    • Like Like x 2
  18. MissRachael

    MissRachael Don't Let The Blonde Hair Fool You! In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 2, 2012
    Again, bang on the button! This girl is my sister from another mother!
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Sanguine_Narcissist

    Sanguine_Narcissist Sex Machine

    May 7, 2012
    The difference is between "mine" and "yours". Me personally... that's an exit, not an entrance. I don't want to fuck anyone in the ass.
  20. Cch1991

    Cch1991 Porn Surfer

    Jan 19, 2015
    I'll let you fuck me in the ass with a strap on