One of my tentacle stories:
The year 2077 on planet Earth
The Mega-Metropilos (M-M) as one of the many Cyberpunk-leviathan-cities
The “BBW club 2077” as a club out of millions in the guts of its thousands of skyscraper-mega-buildings
The four obese beauties walked along the hallway of the club chatting with each other.
A really “international team”. Sheena the ebony beauty, Leyla and Margret -the waitress- for the Caucasic race (even if Margret was much paler then Leyla) and Shuko an obese Asian woman in her late twenties which Leyla had just met a few days before.
Leyla was very excited for today Sheena had invited her to one of the rooms which the young girl hadn´t seen before. “A rare occasion my apprentice!” Sheena had told her enhancing the tension in Leyla before she continued “Open for every girl just once a month!”
Despite this delicate fact, as the door opened, the room behind was sort of mundane. Some lockers, a window through which you could see a much larger room behind, some consoles with blinking dials which could be seen billions of times in a city of 2077. Much more mysterious was the fact that the three women began to undress themselves as it would be the most normal fact in the world. They kept chatting with each other and suddenly Leyla had the feeling that THOUGH her 3 companions already KNEW what came, their excitement was still so strong that they all – inclusive Sheena- couldn´t hold their tongues still….Leyla listened and undressed herself aswell.
“Put your stuff into the locker dear!” Shoku said to Leyla while she was opening her bra, revealing normal-sized tits for a SLIM girl but against Shoku´s wonderful big belly they seemed to look small. The Asian BBW beauty lowered her panties and Leyla saw for the first time her labia surrounded by deep black Asian-like pubic hair.
“I mean you can also let your dress on lovely !” Margret giggled “But it would be a shame for the clothes!” Margret blinked and continued giggeling. Shuko joined the childish behaviour and Sheena simply said “Stop girls!” without turning around, her big and juicy African ass pointed at the woman like a targeter, while she also stuffed her dress in the locker.
When Leyla was naked, too, there was a brief moment of admiration and arousal in the air as the four checked the bodies of each other.
Once again it was the ginger-blond pale Margret who broke the silence obviously eager to enter the room beyond the massive airlock integrated in the wall of the smaller foyer. “Leyla keep on watching us, you will be the last in the row, Sheena programmed…”
“Stop sweety. Back in the days when YOU was first introduced to “Slobbo” you were as insecure as Leyla now. Don´t be smart-alec !” Sheena interrupted Margret and the two women´s gaze met.
Leyla knew Margret and her sometimes bossy and dominant behaviour but she could also be very sensitive and understanding and that “mixture” made the bar tender of the “BBW club 2077” so interesting and attractive next to her great obese body who fitted perfectly into this very club Leyla called home for so many weeks now. She wasn´t angry about Margret. Shuko gave Leyla a knowing smile and the four BBW women entered the hall through the airlock, which closed behind them with a loud hissing sound.
There the four stood for a while. The temperature was mild, the room big and without any furniture. It almost looked to Leyla as a giant shower. Adding to this feeling were the millions of tiny holes in the steel walls and the bigger, much bigger, recesses which dominated the so smooth steel all around her.
The chatter of the other three eased the moment when, which a gurgling sound, some sort of liquid was pumped into the room. Leyla had already gathered enough TRUST to the club to know that what ever would happen now it would be nothing harmful or hurtful but still she pulled her right feed from the warm slime, as it flooded the floor and rose to all the women´s lower legs. The other 3 women stood their as obese naked goddesses awaiting something GREAT to come and Leyla felt a bit excluded for she didn´t know.
But THAT feeling didn´t last long……as the recesses opened, she became eye-witness of what she had never seen before….
In a considerable speed TENTACLES entered the room from all sides, from all recesses. The slime pumped into the room just for the purpose of supporting the life-form which entered.
“THIS was “Slobbo”?” Leyla thought and was so glad that she could trust Sheena and the others for THIS was one of the rare and seldom tentacle-beings which were extremely hard to breed and extremely expensive to sustain. In awe Leyla thought how rich the club must be to host such a genetically-created monster in its halls.
In excitement Leyla saw Margret, Shuko and her master Sheena lifted from the floor, wrapped in the tentacles of Slobbo as if these obese beauties would weigh nothing.
Without loosing any time, almost as a predator, the tentacles winded themselves around the women, leaving Leyla untouched for the moment so she could monitor…. That was what Margret said with “programmed”.
With a wet slimy noise the multiple tendrils penetraded all the women´s vaginas almost simultaneously. The ladies groaned in a mixture of lust and pain. The tendrils pulsed frequently, obviously pumping some fluid into her friends and her master and all of a sudden the shouts of pain were gone…..Slobbo inserted some kind of ...... into the humans in front of Leyla.
The lustful moans became a heavy undertone of IDIOTIC-AROUSEMENT the fact of a heavy trance or hypnosis the women were “forced into”. Eyes rolled up, mouth opened in brabbling excitement when drool came out of the mouths.
While more and more tendrils poured with a wet noise into the chamber Leyla was mesmerized by the sheer sight.
Shoku brabbled something unintelligible like a toddler before her mouth was filled by a massive tendril on which she sucked wildly.
Margret´s nipples and butt became “attacked” at the same time. The tendrils tended to them and while the bigger one crouched up her digestive system she drooled and smiled idiotically. Leyla had never seen this dominant and smart individual as such and got aroused seeing how the slime of the tendril-monster soaked her ginger-blond hair, taking her bossy character with him in the progress.
The most astonishing effect for Leyla had of course Sheela´s sight. Her African master was penetraded by the tentacles in all possible ways and the same idiotic-drooling-face-expression was on the African lady´s face. Here Leyla thought with a mixture of awe, jealousy and anger HER master had found hers. She had never seen any of the three girls in this chamber in such a mindslave-condition. But all three seemed happy and willing, awaiting the lust eagerly.
The moans of the three women became as animalistic as more tentacles flooded the room. Leyla had just time to realize that soon the whole room would be filled and thought how they all shall manage to breathe , when SLOBBO STURCK HOME through HER OWN ass.
Leyla was finally lifted from the floor, impaled on a mighty tendril, which slowly, wonderfully but also forcefully penetraded her own dark brown rectum. At first, there was more pain than pleasure BUT THEN the tentacle jerked his ...... into Leyla´s body and a world of bliss surrounded her, swallowing her completely. Leyla began to moan like a wild aroused animal in pleasure.
…..Slobbo played…..
The room was now entirely filled with HIM and the 4 women, all naked, all in HIS bliss, all with HIM. Even his main torso was forever installed beneath the pleasure room, his tendrils let him feel the orgasms the international ladies who entered his room felt, delivered by him and his nectar.
He was a being created for just that purpose, to bring human beings into heaven on earth. And this he did now.
In the slime-filled chamber were only his 4 current humans and his multiple tentacles. Her “smeared” the slimy human bodies against each other. Tits against butts, faces against vaginas, feet against backs. He would never stop pumping these ladies with bliss…..
….Debby entered the foyer accompanied by two servants and rolled her eyes as she saw the orgy in the main chamber.
“Oh girls!” she said while grapping a microphone, seeing the many tentacles with Asian, Caucasic and African bodies in their midst. "And you think MY ass-licking fetish is weird? Look at you mind-slaves now"...still Debby smiled.
“Slobbo, STOP!” Debby the shaved and tattoed Australian fatty beauty demanded through the loudspeaker. “If you don´t stop you ...... them!”
No reaction
“Slobbo!” Debby threatened once again.
A boy-servant was about to push a big red button embedded but clearly visible in one of the many dials in the room but Debby halted him with a crisp gesture of her arm. “No, not yet!” and the servant let go.
“Slobbo, you slimy octopus you had your fun. Don´t make us ...... you for you were expensive as fuck!” these were Debby´s last words before possible (and necessary) “exterminatus” and Slobbo finally reacted.
Slowly and tenderly the tentacles let go of the 4 women, laying them softly to the floor before all the multiple organic hoses retracted through the recesses they came from 15 minutes before. The slime was pumped from the chamber and soon the 4 obese women lay on the floor, covered in slime, glittering, all wet with big-idiotic smiles on their faces, unconscious but not dead….
“See to them!” Debby ordered the servants as they opened the airlock and did what Debby had said before…
Leyla awoke two days later in the dormitory of the club. She was fed by a hose and felt dizzy. The young woman scratched her head and tried to remember what had happened to her.
As always Aksme the obese Indian beauty was tending to her. Leyla was glad to see a trusted and loved human at her side and dared to ask: “What happened to me in that chamber?”
Aksme´s dark brown eyes met the eyes of Leyla. “You met Slobbo as all the club member do one day!” Aksme´s impression was a smile but also with a hue of melancholy. “NOW you are a part of this club forever honey!”
Leyla felt a sudden rush of fear and the words “Why?” escaped her mouth.
Aksme tenderly played with Leyla´s brown hair. “Because Slobbo feed on us. This creature uses our “electric fire” our synapses fire during orgasms in our brain. Therefore he ..yeah..let us be honest..pumps us full with the most exciting nectar the world has ever known. Win-win-situation honey, understand?”
Leyla took Aksme´s coffee-brown hand into hers.
“What is Slobbo?” she asked.
“Well the seldom facts known about these creatures is, that they are rare, expensive and almost EVERY ......…and a real ...... Slobbo IS!” Aksme looked away through the domitory´s scenario window before she continued: “ Maybe of ALIEN-origin, maybe simple only gene-created , maybe a MIXTURE of both facts, who knows…..who knows how many of these creatures exist on Earth, Mars and Moon at the moment….No matter honey. THIS club has one ……TAMED…maybe, who knows…without Debby knowing you entered today, maybe Slobbo would have drained you 4 reckless beauties dry……there is always an exterminates-device to ...... it before anyone of US gets killed….all went well you 4 are safe.”
Leyla continued to listen to Aksme´s explanations only for some more moments. Her own thoughts were racing inside her brain, though she enjoyed and valued the human warmth of a woman next to her, deeply in her blankets.
The world was much more complicated as she had ever thought. Still Leyla´s origins were that of a person, who came to the big leviathan of M-M-from a removed area. “I had sex with an Alien?” Leyla thought.
The club so much enriched and expand her horizon but still secrets upon secrets awaited her……
..This, Leyla thought before she once again fell asleep Aksme´s words becoming a wonderful DRONE-sound in her ears….
MS. 22.04.2020