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  1. transformer

    transformer Amateur

    Jul 30, 2006
    I should keep my mouth shut, but as a father of 4, 2 girls and 2 boys yuo can't really expect me not to have an opinion, can you?
    So I'll start with the 1st post.

    So I am too curious!! I just had a baby boy. I would love to have another kid. I would like to have a girl. They are so cute and adorable. I would love to spoil her rotten and have her be a daddy's little girl ya know>?? But something scares me. I dont know how it is because I dont have a daughter. I have seen other parents daughters at like 13 through 16 years old that are so damn hot! cloths anThey were sexy d stuff. Is it different when its your own daughter>?? I would sure think so but has anyone else ever worried about the same thing? Let me know how it is. I wouldnt want to look at my daughter at 13 years old wearing a little black thong and lust for her! I couldnt bare that!!
    Thank you!

    Now you have decribed:13 through 16, so damn hot!
    little black thong
    Personally I just want to rip your head off and shit down your throat!
  2. Caffeine

    Caffeine Stimulant

    Aug 9, 2006
    Yeah. I'm sorry and I don't want to be mean, but being drunk is a really shitty excuse.
  3. Bukkake Bunny

    Bukkake Bunny Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2006
    Sorry. I agree with Caffeine. "I was drunk" is the worst excuse for basically anything.

    But the point of this post is that you're attracted to 13-16 year old girls. I'm 20 and I'm not attracted to 16-year-old girls. You should consider postponing procreation until you've sorted out your sexual issues.
  4. judydoo

    judydoo Porno Junky

    Jun 27, 2006
    I don't recall saying I was drunk. Maybe feeling good but not drunk. I realise that is no excuse for doing anything too You are all so self rightious. Fuck give an old gal a break
  5. Caffeine

    Caffeine Stimulant

    Aug 9, 2006
    So HE was drunk? That makes you seem even worse.

    I'm sorry. Sometimes I just don't get what you're talking about. You seem very inconsistent. I thought, in previous threads, you were defending yourself, even excited about what you'd done.

    And I honestly didn't bring you up to attack you, I just brought you up because you are a similar example to the subject of this thread. Since your case seemed timely and relevant, I thought it prudent to bring you up.
  6. Doc

    Doc Porn Star

    May 31, 2005
    Ok first of all, this thread is about some numbnuts, that believes if he has a daughter, he is going to lust after her when she turns 16 or some shit!

    How Judydoo's 18yrs old son got brought in to this, i'm not sure...that is between her and her son.

    why don't you post about the thread starter. he is the fuck head that needs a mental exam ! :shock:
  7. Caffeine

    Caffeine Stimulant

    Aug 9, 2006
    After re-reading your posts in the thread you started about mother-son incest, here, I can see that you are more level-headed about it then I remember.

    Still, using the bible to justify incest is pretty hypocritical, though.

    edit: this post was directed at JudyDoo, not Doc. Also, it was meant to come across as even-handed, not argumentative.
  8. Caffeine

    Caffeine Stimulant

    Aug 9, 2006
    And Doc, after getting slammed around, Bluesguy seems to have disappeared.
  9. Doc

    Doc Porn Star

    May 31, 2005
    Oooo I feel the same way about incest, I don't agree with it at all!
    But this moron really tweeked my interest, with this thread, he took it to a new level, than a 18yr old son and his mother.
    I'm not deffending what Judydoo does, wrong is wrong.
    But what this assbag was talking about...is really fucked up!
  10. bluesguy

    bluesguy Porn Surfer

    Aug 31, 2006

    I would say then I have nothing to worry about. This is the way I see it. There is not a single guy in the world who would like to tap some hot 14 to 16 or whatever within reason year old girl. But there is a difference between thinking about it and Doing it.
  11. bluesguy

    bluesguy Porn Surfer

    Aug 31, 2006
    Nope. I just have better things to do with my time on a holliday weekend like take my family out to dinner and have some fun. My life is not dedicated to this because I have nothing better to do like you buddy!
  12. bluesguy

    bluesguy Porn Surfer

    Aug 31, 2006
    Right are you a fag too while your at it??

    Ill bet you have never looked at a 17 year old girl and thought Damn nice body wish I could hit that. Oh to be young again! You probably get that way when you see the guys in the gay section of XNXX homo!
  13. bluesguy

    bluesguy Porn Surfer

    Aug 31, 2006
    Ok first of all, this thread is about some numbnuts, that believes if he has a daughter, he is going to lust after her when she turns 16 or some shit!

    How Judydoo's 18yrs old son got brought in to this, i'm not sure...that is between her and her son.

    why don't you post about the thread starter. he is the fuck head that needs a mental exam ! :shock:

    Doc you are one peice of work. First of all it seems like all you have in life is your computer and this forum. I would quit calling yourself Doc its a stupid ass name for you anyway. Sounds like all you have to do is bitch about how shitty everyone is EXCEPT YOU of course?? You seem to be one of the most perfect people in the world after reading different topice that you are always sooooo eager to comment on. Do you sit at your computer all day long?? Wanking it to porn because you cant get a real piece of ass because you are some old fat middle aged divorced retard?? Im willing to bet YES!@!!!! Get a life you stupid fuck! But seriously through a holliday weekend and everything else, every hour of the day you are typing and submitting messages. Pretty pathetic man!
  14. lets roll

    lets roll be@r-a-licious

    Aug 7, 2006
    Re: yep

    oh man what a lame-ass. guess i value and respect others rights differently by NOT wanting to 'tap some hot 14 to 16' year old girl...

    please, please, please do not have any more children. you need to re-think things first...
  15. bluesguy

    bluesguy Porn Surfer

    Aug 31, 2006
    [Now you have decribed:13 through 16, so damn hot!
    little black thong
    Personally I just want to rip your head off and shit down your throat![/quote]

    Man you can kiss my ass with that bullshit. I work with to fathers every day. They each have daughters who are grown and one. Im 19 years old so I am a little younger then that. But anyway both these older guys see these hot looking girls walking to school. And they make comments about how hot they are. As do I! I have seen countless men comment about them. They are very attractive sexy girls. There is no other way to put it. BUT none of us would ever act on anything. You saying you have never looked at a 16 year old girl as your driving by on the street and saying "Damn shes fine. That would be fun if I was young again" I dont believe there is any harm in that if YOU DONT ACT on it. You are a complete fucking lier man. Im sure you dont look at your daughters that way but I know your full of shit about every thing else
  16. bluesguy

    bluesguy Porn Surfer

    Aug 31, 2006
    Re: sexual attraction.

    Man I have never wanted to rape or melest any underage girl. I have however looked at them and Thought they were hot and wished I was younger again. You guys all act like I have already malested and raped all these girls. Your nuts!! I wouldnt do that!!!!! I just dont like haveing the thoughts either! THERE ARE NO VICTEMS NOR WILL THERE EVER BE.
  17. bluesguy

    bluesguy Porn Surfer

    Aug 31, 2006
    ONCE AGAIN!~ We are not talking about having sex with our children here we are talking about having thoughts of how sexy they are.
  18. Rain

    Rain Femme Fatale

    May 30, 2006
    You made this post and asked people for their opinions. You also said you were scared that you would lust for your daughter. What did you really expect to hear? It's rather immature to flame others and their life because you didn't like their opinion which you asked for.
  19. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel Sex Machine

    Aug 30, 2006
    I don't have children, but I can't imagine them looking sexy. I could be proud of how they develop and their overall beauty, but I couldn't look at them in a sexual way at all.
  20. lets roll

    lets roll be@r-a-licious

    Aug 7, 2006
    thank you Rain for bringing this post back to reality
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