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  1. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    Screenshot (1737).png
    • Like Like x 1
  2. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    And the hits just keep on a coming.

    "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, she explained, "OK, fine." "The problem is that he wanted, he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalize. He wanted everybody to be German, everybody to be speaking German." - Candice Owens

    I guess Candice forgot about the whole anti semitic, holocaust part.

    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Barry D

    Barry D Over-Watch Commander

    Sep 9, 2019
    On that statement, IF she actually said it, she would not be wrong. Considering the KKK began around Tennessee and quickly spread throughout the Southern States, the majority of those involved in it's creation, and those holding high positions were in fact Democrypts...
    1. anon_de_plume
      Now if only either party represented what they were 150 years ago...
      anon_de_plume, Nov 12, 2022
      stumbler likes this.
  4. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    When accurately and fully quoted in context Candace is rarely wrong.

    It's what infuriates despicables.

    That and she's intelligent, beautiful, female, conservative and black.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. anon_de_plume
      You forgot grifter...
      anon_de_plume, Nov 12, 2022
      stumbler likes this.
  5. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    No and you aren't the one to try and correct or change my posts, either.
    1. anon_de_plume
      Ok. Stop me!
      anon_de_plume, Nov 12, 2022
      stumbler likes this.
  6. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    :) You seem to do that perfectly all by yourself without any outside help.


    Carry on!
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2022
    1. anon_de_plume
      Wow... Truly non-responsive...
      anon_de_plume, Nov 13, 2022
    2. shootersa
      Your juvenile "make me" post deserved nothing more.
      Have a nice day.
      shootersa, Nov 13, 2022
    3. anon_de_plume
      And your arrogant protestations are fun to mock...
      anon_de_plume, Nov 13, 2022
    4. shootersa
      How is it just fine for you to continually demonstrate what idiot looks like, but its not ok for Shooter to point it out?
      shootersa, Nov 14, 2022
  7. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    You are just literally laughable. You will make a claim like this in the face of video evidence and tweets using Owen's own words.

    Every Receipt Proving Candace Owens Is A Con Artist Who Is Following The Money
    The head grifter in charge is claiming her spot on the deplorable totem pole of scammers.
    [​IMG] Written By NewsOne Staff
    Posted October 29, 2022

    Current Time 1:18
    Duration Time 4:43

    NewsOne Featured Video

    In yet the latest indication that Candace Owens is pulling a fast one on her supporters in an effort to get paid at their literal expense, a new report found that one of her organizations has been seeing fewer donations as her payday from the same organization skyrockets.

    The findings reinforce longstanding suspicions that Owens is a con artist who is following the money.

    The organization in question is Owens’ so-called Blexit, a group that encourages Black people to leave the Democratic Party. A review conducted by the Daily Beast found evidence suggesting that the money Blexit received in donations has been going toward inflated salaries instead of being used to fulfill its “vision” of changing “the narrative that surrounds America’s minority communities – with a particular focus on African-Americans,” as stated on the Blexit Foundation website.

    To let the Daily Beast tell it: “Donations to conservative commentator Candace Owens’ Blexit Foundation took a precipitous drop in 2021. But the organization paid Owens more than ever: $250,000 in salary, alone. That’s not including the chartered flights.”

    Scroll down and keep reading to learn more about Owens’ Blexit grift, including how she even stole its name.

    The damning Blexit report came days after all evidence pointed to Owens using the artist formerly known as Kanye West as another stepping stone to the money.

    In less than a month’s time, Owens has allegedly plotted with Ye on the infamous “white lives matter” shirts that set the stage for the rapper’s antisemitism scandal, which arguably paved the way for Ye to not only move to buy the right-wing Parler social media platform that happens to be run by O

    Ahmed/The Ears


    Candace Owens got Kanye banned from Twitter, Instagram and dropped from all this business endeavors using her talking points while convincing him to buy Parler that’s owned by her husband.
    11:15 AM · Oct 25, 2022

    All of the above has likely helped enrich Owens and her family by way of publicity for her struggle documentary on Black Lives Matter as well as a probable payday for her husband if the Parler deal ever goes through.

    Meanwhile, Ye is also facing a $250 million lawsuit for echoing Owens’ conspiracy theory that George Floyd died from fentanyl use and not Derek Chauvin’s illegal kneeling restraint on the handcuffed man’s neck.

    In total, Ye on Tuesday lost more than $1 billion of his net worth. Owens, on the other hand, is probably laughing all the way to the bank.

    ‘White Lives Matter’
    Owens didn’t let a setback like the U.S. Supreme Court rejecting her earlier this month affect her as she remained on-task while wearing a matching “White Lives Matter” t-shirt with Kanye West during the

    Candace Owens




    12:44 PM · Oct 3, 2022

    Chances are likely that she will be trying to sell those t-shirts much like the time she got busted stealing Kanye’s t-shirt designs for her failing Blexit, a slogan she also stole from the bank Black movement.

    Both reports coupled with the imagery of a smiling Owens wearing such a shirt were the latest indications that she is a con artist doing anything to follow the money, including and especially selling out her own people.

    Specifically, Owens petitioned the Supreme Court after Facebook labeled her status updates as a “hoax” or “false” as determined by fact checkers for USA Today.

    Supreme Court rejects Candace Owens
    But on Oct. 3 — the start of the latest Supreme Court term that is notably marked by a supermajority of conservatives — the nation’s highest court rejected the petition without even issuing a comment about it, according to the Law & Crime website.

    Nearly a year before this latest pair of stunts, Owens was up to her Con-woman ways when she tried to claim that the U.S. should invade Australia.

    During a segment of her YouTube show, she ranted about Australia being a “tyrannical police state” and their citizens being imprisoned against their will. Her extremely dangerous rhetoric is aimed at the Australian government’s decision to implement vaccine mandates that require all workers, public and private, to get at least one COVID-19 shot by mid-November, or face fines up to $5,000.

    In the video, Owens called the mandate, “Tyranny. Totalitarianism. The kind that gives birth to evil dictatorships and human atrocity.”


    SBS News


    US conservative commentator Candace Owens has criticised the Australian government's implementation of COVID-19 restrictions, suggesting the US military should invade Australia in order to free its people from 'suffering under a totalitarian regime'.


    2:06 AM · Oct 22, 2021

    Current Time 0:29
    Duration Time 0:55


    Source: Jason Davis / Getty

    UPDATED: 4:15 p.m. ET, Oct. 29, 2022

    In yet the latest indication that Candace Owens is pulling a fast one on her supporters in an effort to get paid at their literal expense, a new report found that one of her organizations has been seeing fewer donations as her payday from the same organization skyrockets.

    The findings reinforce longstanding suspicions that Owens is a con artist who is following the money.

    The organization in question is Owens’ so-called Blexit, a group that encourages Black people to leave the Democratic Party. A review conducted by the Daily Beast found evidence suggesting that the money Blexit received in donations has been going toward inflated salaries instead of being used to fulfill its “vision” of changing “the narrative that surrounds America’s minority communities – with a particular focus on African-Americans,” as stated on the Blexit Foundation website.

    To let the Daily Beast tell it: “Donations to conservative commentator Candace Owens’ Blexit Foundation took a precipitous drop in 2021. But the organization paid Owens more than ever: $250,000 in salary, alone. That’s not including the chartered flights.”

    Scroll down and keep reading to learn more about Owens’ Blexit grift, including how she even stole its name.

    The damning Blexit report came days after all evidence pointed to Owens using the artist formerly known as Kanye West as another stepping stone to the money.

    In less than a month’s time, Owens has allegedly plotted with Ye on the infamous “white lives matter” shirts that set the stage for the rapper’s antisemitism scandal, which arguably paved the way for Ye to not only move to buy the right-wing Parler social media platform that happens to be run by Owens’ husband but also prompted major brands to sever ties that resulted in a major money loss for Ye.

    All of the above has likely helped enrich Owens and her family by way of publicity for her struggle documentary on Black Lives Matter as well as a probable payday for her husband if the Parler deal ever goes through.

    Meanwhile, Ye is also facing a $250 million lawsuit for echoing Owens’ conspiracy theory that George Floyd died from fentanyl use and not Derek Chauvin’s illegal kneeling restraint on the handcuffed man’s neck.

    In total, Ye on Tuesday lost more than $1 billion of his net worth. Owens, on the other hand, is probably laughing all the way to the bank.

    ‘White Lives Matter’
    Owens didn’t let a setback like the U.S. Supreme Court rejecting her earlier this month affect her as she remained on-task while wearing a matching “White Lives Matter” t-shirt with Kanye West during the rapper’s fashion show in Paris.

    Chances are likely that she will be trying to sell those t-shirts much like the time she got busted stealing Kanye’s t-shirt designs for her failing Blexit, a slogan she also stole from the bank Black movement.

    Both reports coupled with the imagery of a smiling Owens wearing such a shirt were the latest indications that she is a con artist doing anything to follow the money, including and especially selling out her own people.

    Specifically, Owens petitioned the Supreme Court after Facebook labeled her status updates as a “hoax” or “false” as determined by fact checkers for USA Today.

    Supreme Court rejects Candace Owens
    But on Oct. 3 — the start of the latest Supreme Court term that is notably marked by a supermajority of conservatives — the nation’s highest court rejected the petition without even issuing a comment about it, according to the Law & Crime website.

    Nearly a year before this latest pair of stunts, Owens was up to her Con-woman ways when she tried to claim that the U.S. should invade Australia.

    During a segment of her YouTube show, she ranted about Australia being a “tyrannical police state” and their citizens being imprisoned against their will. Her extremely dangerous rhetoric is aimed at the Australian government’s decision to implement vaccine mandates that require all workers, public and private, to get at least one COVID-19 shot by mid-November, or face fines up to $5,000.

    In the video, Owens called the mandate, “Tyranny. Totalitarianism. The kind that gives birth to evil dictatorships and human atrocity.”

    As right-wing talking heads like Owens continue to use vaccine mandates as a way to stoke fear and spread lies, more people continue to die from COVID-19. Her disregard for human life is mind-boggling, but should we expect anything different at this point? Candace gonna Candace, no matter who she hurts or steps on in the process.

    Source: CSPAN screenshot

    Her promotion of the so-called “Freedom Phone”
    The money must be drying up for Candace Owens, who is going full-fledged grifter with her newest endeavor: the so-called Freedom Phone, a device that she is disingenuously billing as the next coming in cellphones when, according to reports, it’s actually an iPhone knockoff

    The keyword there is “billing,” as the Freedom Phone carries a price tag of $500 and was described by the Daily Beast as “a phone preloaded with apps like Parler and Rumble that appears to be a vastly more expensive version of a phone made in China.” A news article bringing attention to Owens’ latest scam said the Freedom Phone was being pushed by “MAGA Influencers.”

    Source: Jason Davis / Getty

    While promoting a product and likely getting paid for it is nothing new, Owens’ trademark disingenuousness was on front street with her latest endeavor with shrewd social media sleuths saw that the same person who once had kind words toward Hitler was tweeting about the Freedom Phone from an iPhone. The obvious suggestion is that Owens does not use the Freedom Phone to promote the Freedom Phone, urging her millions of followers to use a product that she herself does not.

    Notably, Owens tweeted while using an iPhone that she “partnered with a SOLUTION against Apple” for the Freedom Phone. She made sure to include a special code for a discount when purchasing the phone. Screenshots preserved that truth.


    Candace Owens promotes “the new Freedom Phone” as “a SOLUTION against Apple and Google,” but forgets she’s still posting from **checks notes** “Twitter for iPhone.”



    11:18 AM · Jul 15, 2021

    Anti-vaccine campaign backfires miserably
    The Freedom Phone grift was a departure from her months-long anti-vaxxing campaign, something for which she has been hilariously trolled — especially after the staunch conservative who has said she is anti-abortion unintentionally advocated for pro-choice while making an anti-vaxx argument.

    Twitter quickly helped Owens realize she was working against her own interests after she voiced that her family will remain unvaccinated.

    While it’s unclear what initially prompted Owens’ tirade, it may be directed towards the White House announcement to launch several initiatives to help decrease vaccine hesitancy, especially among Black

    one person in my family will ever touch the Covid-19 vaccine. That is the decision that we have made, unabashedly, as a family. Medical freedom is an individual right that should NEVER be infringed upon and any person who thinks otherwise has no place in our government.
    3:12 PM · Jul 7, 2021

    She went on to say that she would not force her employees to do so either, in hopes to guarantee their “medical freedom.”

    However, it was this tweet that made Owens trend on Twitter, where many quickly pointed out that she should have the same energy and space for persons who choose to undergo an abortion.

    In response to the hilariously tongue-in-cheek tweets congratulating Owens on her change from pro-life to pro-choice regarding abortion, Owens couldn’t help herself and continued digging a deeper hole for herself.

    Owens fails at trying to bully Naomi Osaka
    On Memorial Day, a day which was supposed to be housed in reverence, Owens used her Twitter platform to lash out at Naomi Osaka over her decision to prioritize her mental health and withdraw from the French Open after voicing the press demands inhibited her wellness.

    However, in a matter of hours, Owens quickly reversed her sentiments, largely due to the incessant Twitter dragging she received.

    The optics didn’t go over and many resorted to giving Owens the same energy that she inflicts on others especially when she should have used the moment to support another young Black woman who was suffering from mental illness and exhaustion.

    Owens disingenously takes aim at Chrissy Teigen
    In May, with her 15 minutes of hateful infamy quickly dwindling, the sunken conservative white supremacist who typically jumps at the chance to spew her anti-Black venom has selectively set her spiteful sights on Chrissy Teigen, who has come under fire over a cyberbullying scandal that involves a person dying by suicide.

    As a result — and to Owens’ despicable delight — Teigan has lost a series of lucrative endorsement deals. But, Owens wants everybody to believe, she would be “happier” if Teigan apologized for her words.

    Owens’ goal is always self-promotion in hopes of maintaining her loosening grasp on the few remaining shreds of relevancy she’s been swinging from since her beloved Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. So it makes perfect sense that in this instance, she tried to capitalize on a topic that had nothing to do with her under the purported guise that she was simply acting out of an altruistic concern that actually never existed.

    It was in that context that Marlow Stern, the senior entertainment editor for the Daily Beast, tweeted evidence of — yep, you guessed it — Candace Owens mocking Meghan Markle for having suicidal thoughts and calling Kurt Cobain “stupid” for taking his own life.

    Owens also had some choice words about Anthony Bourdain’s suicide.

    Those damning receipts were just the latest instance of Owens deferring to hypocrisy in order to ensure her name becomes a top trending topic on Twitter. Mission accomplished, but at what cost?

    Remember, this is the same person who in March went and reignited her running feud with rapper Cardi B in a disingenuous attempt at championing women’s rights — along racial lines, of course.

    After Owens — who, notably, has sympathized with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and repeatedly blamed Black men for being killed by the police — went on Fox News to express her outrage at Cardi B’s performance at the Grammy Awards Sunday night, the rapper fired back in a series of tweets, prompting a lively back and forth between the two.

    Owens was angry that Cardi B was getting attention for her hit song “WAP” with Megan Thee Stallion and suggested the rapper had no other recourse than to sell sex. That’s when Cardi clapped back on Twitter and pointed out that Owens was a major defender of former first lady Melania Trump, who at one point earned at least part of her living by posing nude — also know as selling sex, making her guilty of what Owens tried to shame Cardi for.

    The exchange came a little more than two weeks after Owens labeled the former president as a feminist — the same Donald Trump who once bragged he could sexually assault women at will because he is a celebrity.

    All of the above is also the latest proof among the mounting evidence that Candace Owens is a fraud, and we have endless receipts.

    Lawsuit With the NAACP
    Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit. In 2007, she accused some white boys of racially harassing and threatening to kill her. Owens claimed the boys were the son of then-Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy, Connecticut’s former governor. Because of the NAACP, Owens’ family received a settlement of $37,500 from Stamford Public Schools.

    Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear she had become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.”

    He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.”

    Anti-Trump Website
    In May of 2018, BuzzFeed reported that Candace Owens was the CEO of an anti-Trump, liberal-leaning website called Degree180. Owens wrote in 2015 that it was “good news” that the “Republican Tea Party … will eventually die off (peacefully in their sleep, we hope).”

    Degree180 also talked about Trump’s penis size and him being racist with an immigrant wife.

    The site reportedly shut down by the end of 2016 and Owens magically “came out” as a conservative on YouTube a few months later.

    Fox News
    By March of 2018, Owens was slithering onto TV stations and finally made it to Fox News. She spit out a line that went viral and made her a darling of pseudo-conservatives. Owens said the National Rifle Association was founded as a civil rights organization that protected Black people from the KKK. Even the Fox News host said, “I’ve never heard that before! That’s so interesting!” She never heard it before, either, because it was a lie.

    Watch the insanity below:

    PolitiFact confirmed she lied or is just willfully ignorant. According to the NRA’s own web site, “Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871. The primary goal of the association would be to ‘promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis,’ according to a magazine editorial written by Church.”

    However, her fraudulent comment made her a media darling.

    Another Lawsuit
    Back in January of this year, Owens attacked New York Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez for being “fiscally irresponsible” because the newly elected congresswoman couldn’t afford an apartment in Washington, D.C. However, reporter Nathan Bernard exposed Owens by posting a lawsuit that showed “she rented a $3,500 apartment, lived there for six months rent-free, then claimed she had gotten ‘toxic mold sickness’ and threatened to sue her landlord to avoid paying rent.”

    She allegedly stopped paying rent in September of 2016 and was evicted in January of 2017, which coincides with her “coming out” as a conservative only months later.

    As for the mold claims, a legal analyst told Bernard Media, “The obvious question is if the place was so unlivable why stay there 6 months, even rent free? Why not get out of there especially if you can afford an apartment for $3,500? It’s not difficult to identify a toxic mold infestation either. If you started to exhibit symptoms that seemed related to the infestation, why not notify a doctor immediately? Also, why sue a year later after moving out? There are a lot of questions that arise on first glance at this case. She’s going to have a huge burden of proof at trial.”

    Social Autopsy
    In the spring of 2016, Owens launched an anti-cyberbullying website called Social Autopsy. She reportedly started a Kickstarter campaign to raise $75,000 (she sure likes money she doesn’t have to work for). CTPost.com described the site as a “searchable database of offensive speech found on social media.” Owens wanted to expose people who anonymously harassed others online, which is known as doxing and is a huge no-no among conservatives. She claimed she got pushback from the left, which was allegedly one of the sparks that lit her conservative fire.

    However, Quillette.com reported, it was the right who attacked her.

    “While Owens portrays herself as a victim of leftist persecution, the fact is that the initial backlash against Social Autopsy came mostly from the ‘cultural libertarian’ opposition to the authoritarian left. YouTube video bloggers Matt Jarbo (“Mundane Matt”) and Chris Maldonado (“Chris Ray Gun”), both strong critics of ‘social justice warriors,’ were among the first to blast the project as a terrible idea. Another early negative report came from none other than Breitbart; it was written by Allum Bokhari, a frequent co-author of the not-yet-disgraced Milo Yiannopoulos and a leading foe of the ‘SJW’ left in digital and tech culture,” the site wrote.

    This would make sense because it is clearly people on the right or MAGA crazies who don’t want to be exposed for their hatred. You can hear Owens doing the voiceover for the Social Autopsy video below:

    Her term Blexit, which got her embarrassed by Kanye West who implied she “used” him, is a slogan that was stolen from the Bank Black movement. Listen to the actual founder of Blexit, Me’la Connelly, explaining how Owens stole her slogan:

    In addition, Owens’ Blexit site is packed with historical inaccuracies. Historian Kevin Kruse broke this down for her on Twitter and he was blocked. The thread is an excellent read packed with facts.

    Within only a few years, Owens had two failed internet projects, didn’t pay rent and then somehow became a conservative, landing a job at Turning Point USA. She is now known for outlandish language. She said Hitler only wanted to make Germany “great again.”

    After the horrific mail bombs sent to Democrats back in October, she tweeted then deleted, “I’m going to go ahead and state that there is a 0% chance that these ‘suspicious packages’ were sent out by conservatives. The only thing ‘suspicious’ about these packages is their timing. Caravans, fake bomb threats—these leftists are going ALL OUT for midterms.”

    There are true conservatives out there who have been involved in politics for years, but Owens does not appear to be one of them. She is clearly in this for fame, attention and is following the money.

  8. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    He can't even see the hilarity in his posts.
    A strong willed attractive intelligent woman terrifies him.
    Her politics enrages him.
    Rather then engage in introspection to understand his emotions he attacks.
    1. submissively speaking
      She sure seems to lack the loyalty you seem to hold so dear.
      stumbler likes this.
    2. stumbler
      As usual the opposite is true. I am very much attracted to strong willed attractive intelligent woman . You might even ask some of them around here. But phony lying money grubbing women that will just say anything for profit like Owens definitely turn me off.
      stumbler, Nov 13, 2022
  9. Barry D

    Barry D Over-Watch Commander

    Sep 9, 2019
    Rare is the species that does not attack when cornered...
    • Like Like x 1
  10. 69magpie

    69magpie Mischievous Magpie

    Dec 11, 2014
    Bollocks that @stumbler is terrified of "strong willed intelligent women", in fact it'd be the complete opposite, from what I have learnt from Stumbler's posts over the 14 years I have been a member here. Stumbler is a strong admirer of intelligent women that are willing to stand up at the front of the barricades and demand women's rights...

    What he wouldn't admire in BOTH sexes is someone who cowtells to false leaders who are only in it for their own benefits.

    And absolutely Owen's politics enrages him as it would for similar minded logical people.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Like Like x 1
    1. stumbler
      One thing I have always loved about this place is it tends to attract strong willed intelligent and beautiful women.
      stumbler, Nov 13, 2022
  11. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Stumbler admires those who are in lockstep with his political agenda.

    He hates everyone else.

    And being "enraged" by someones politics just because they don't align with yours is the whole problem with American politics today.
    1. 69magpie
      BOLLOCKS to your first statement....

      BOLLOCKS to your second statement...

      Though I totally agree on your third statement....supporters on BOTH sides of your politics are guilty of that.
      69magpie, Nov 13, 2022
    2. shootersa
      You ever heard stumbler express admiration for a deplorable?
      You know, except for the Liz Cheney types.

      He even calls America a "shithole country!"
      shootersa, Nov 13, 2022
    3. 69magpie
      Admiration no,...however previous to tRump dipping his grifting snout into the political swill he wasn't as intense as he is with the current crop of Republicans....
      I'll throw the same question back at you....when was the last time You said something good about someone on the left.

      He referred to America as becoming a shithole under the direction tRump was taking your country.

      Does he still call it a shithole....NO he does not.
      69magpie, Nov 13, 2022
      stumbler likes this.
    4. stumbler
      And again @shootersa you prove the opposite is true. You are the one who in the king of personal attacks just like this exchange proves. Including your totally false accusation that I have never praised conservative/Republicans. There are a few I admire greatly because even of I don't agree with their politics they are at least consistent about their beliefs and practice what they preach no mutter who is president.
      stumbler, Nov 13, 2022
  12. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    Trumptard says what?

    You just described Donald Trump and MAGA. :O_o:
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Another perfect example of how Owens checks to see which way the political winds are blowing and then says something in that direction even though she has to contradict herself to do it. If what she is saying here is true then why did she back Trump to the hilt?

    Candace Owens said Trump's rudeness made her realize he's vengeful, paranoid, lacks humility
    Joshua Zitser
    4 hours ago

    Candace Owens, left, and former President Donald Trump, right, in a composite image.
    Getty Images
    • Candace Owens said on her Daily Wire show that Donald Trump was rude to her.
    • The conservative firebrand said the experience made her "question him as a person."
    • Owens said that Trump is "holding onto a vengeful spirit" and appears to lack a vision for 2024.
    Top editors give you the stories you want — delivered right to your inbox each weekday.

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    Candace Owens, speaking on her Daily Wire show after the midterms, said that former President Donald Trump being rude to her made her question for the "first time" what kind of person he is.

    Owens, who once referred to Trump as "the savior" of the free world, described how the former president "actually got upset" with her following an interview with him in which he defended COVID-19 vaccines.

    After the interview in December 2021, Owens defended him in an Instagram video, saying that people often forget "how old Trump is" and that he comes from a generation who "came from a time before TV, before the internet, before being able to conduct independent research."

    The Daily Beast covered it, headlining the story: "Candace Owens: Trump Is Pro-Vax Because He's 'Too Old' to Understand the Internet."

    In her monologue on her Daily Wire show this week, Owen's said she was sharing the "personal story" because "it's something that made me for the first time question him as a person."

    The conservative firebrand went on to say that Trump twisted a "completely kind and fair interview."

    "That is not being a leader, that is not owning things that you did wrong, that is not owning that you misunderstood something about your base," she said. "That's not growing, that's not developing."

    Owens said that was the moment she realized he was "not listening" and made her question if he was becoming "too angry."

    Owens said that in previous elections, Trump was "having fun," and "the energy, it was electric." However, she said after the 2020 election, he is in "an angry space" and has become paranoid.

    She repeated that "he was so rude to me."

    Owens said that there are conversations going on behind Trump's back that deserve to go public. She suggested he is "holding onto a vengeful spirit" and questioned if he has a vision for 2024. "It needs to be more than, 'I'm back,'" she said.

    Trump is expected to announce a 2024 presidential bid imminently, but The Guardian reported that some advisors and allies are urging him to delay it.

    Owens said there's a sense of "trepidation" in Trump, which, she added, was evidenced in him taking a swing at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis this week. In a flurry of posts on Truth Social on Thursday, Trump called DeSantis an "average Republican governor" and referred to him as "Ron DeSanctimonious."

    Trump endorsed more than 330 GOP candidates running for both state and federal offices in this election cycle, but several high-profile candidates lost or badly underperformed in the midterm elections.

    Owens said Trump needs to exercise "a little more humility" when he gets something wrong, adding that the midterm results, which saw Democrats maintain control of the Senate, show that Trump and his base are "not sure."

  14. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Well, lets see the last time stumbler called America a "shithole country". Ah. Here it is. October 10. So, yeah, he's still calling America a "shithole country".

    And in terms of Shooter showing admiration for a despicable?
    Well, he said he could see voting for Colorado Governor Polis, except that he'd gone all socialist on us recently. And when AOC came out in favor of stopping all stock trading by members of Congress he praised her for that.
    So, yeah, Shooter has shown praise for despicables.
    And he doesn't call his country a "shithole country" and a "banana republic" because he disagrees with the current administration. He knows America will survive politics and has full faith in our constitution and our systems.
    Unlike some "patriots".
  15. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    • Like Like x 1
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    All you manage to do @shootersa is defeat yourself by ignoring this part,

    I not only continue to stand by my statement that thanks to Traitor Trump and supporters like you the US was not only drug down to the level of a third world shit hole country run by a tin horn dictator I have proven that. And anyone who truly loves the United States of America never would have allowed Trump to drag it down to the level of a shit hole country but supported that and continue to support Trump even after an attempted coup and armed violent deadly insurrection just like in shit hole countries.

    And I don't see how anyone can hate the United States of America and every great thing it has ever stood for more than that.
  17. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    You haven't proven anything except your lack of comittment and confidence in America, its constitution, and its institutions.
    No one man or party made America great and no one man or party can bring it down to the level of a "shithole country".

    Your hate for trump and deplorAbles is well known and well documented. That does not entitle you to denigrate this great country or sell your patriotism (or lack of) for political gain.
    What you have done is expose yourself as a fair weather patriot.
  18. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    Looks like one rat may be ready to leave Trump's sinking ship.

    Candace Owens, speaking on her Daily Wire show after the midterms, said that former President Donald Trump being rude to her made her question for the "first time" what kind of person he is.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I think silkythighs deserves her own thread. Her comments are always interesting, and they give me the opportunity to admire her photographs. :inlove:

    Unfortunately, I am not good at starting appreciation threads. I started one for stumbler, and he did not even thank me. :cry:

    My appreciation thread for stumbler was sincere by the way. :angelic:

    He has been here longer than nearly everyone else. He has become the Grand Old Man of XNXX. He is the keeper of the traditions. :)

    He also knows the dark secrets. :eek:
  20. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I could say something about The Bell Curve, but I won't. :angelic:
    1. View previous comments...
    2. anon_de_plume
      And the only reason you think he's great is because he starts with the premise that "blacks are inferior", want the crafts his "facts" to support his conclusion. You are given to believe that blacks are inherently inferior, so you gravitate towards things that sort your premise.
      anon_de_plume, Nov 14, 2022
    3. Distant Lover
      the average white person was higher [in test scores] than about 84 percent of the population of blacks and that the average black person tests higher than bout 16 percent of whites.

      - Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray, from The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, Chapter 13, "Ethnic Differences in Cognitive Ability, page 269
      Distant Lover, Nov 15, 2022
    4. Distant Lover
      Nowhere in The Bell Curve do Herrnstein and Murray write "blacks are inferior." They do not write about absolute differences, but averages and tendencies that are easy to document from test scores and crime reports.

      Also, the word "inferior" is too broad a category. Blacks tend to excel in some sports. There may be a few of them who have less basketball talent than I do. They were never in my gym class.
      Distant Lover, Nov 15, 2022
    5. anon_de_plume
      LOL! Telling everyone that they're not as bright is so much better...

      Either way, they started with a conclusion and fit the facts to that end!
      anon_de_plume, Nov 15, 2022
    6. Distant Lover
      They are not as bright on the average. Once I read about a Nigerian immigrant in England who scored 162 on an IQ test. That gives him two more points than Bill Gates.
      Distant Lover, Nov 15, 2022